Emergency Phones

Payphones.com offers you emergency telecommunications suitable for swimming pools, lodges, elevators, schools, etcetera – the possibilities are endless.

We offer only the highest quality brands such as Ceeco, Viking, FHF, AllenTel, and our own G-Tel models, to provide dependable weatherproof and emergency communication for all your swimming pool and industrial needs. Our emergency telephones also serve as rugged, industrial telephones for indoor or outdoor locations, and an easy solution for your poolside safety.

Laws in most states mandate an indoor or outdoor phone that meets their requirements and ADA mandates for public and private pools. We recommend that you consult local legal authorities so you will be sure you choose the proper phones for your location.

SKUProduct name LabelsProduct amount in cartPrice Add to cart
FE2094G911-Only Emergency Cellular Phone
  • $479.00
AC2094G911-Only Emergency Cellular Phone AC
  • $439.00
SSP-550-DCEECO SSP-550 Hands Free Telephone
  • $325.00
AR-12E911 Emergency Sign
  • $39.95
VK-E-1600-45AViking Emergency Handsfree Phone
  • $354.00
VK-E-1600A-EWPViking Emergency Dialer w/ Enhanced Weather Protection
  • $649.00
JP-3500Armored Inmate Phone [JP-3500]
  • $300.00
SP-3500Vandal Resistant Armored Speakerphone [SP-3500]
  • $300.00
HP-3500Armored Hotline Phone [HP-3500]
  • $300.00
EP-3500Armored Emergency Phone [EP-3500] Weather Resistant
  • $325.00
VEP-911Emergency 911 Telephone, Weather Resistant
  • $225.00
EMGNCY 2554-911911 EMERGENCY Auto-Dial Red Wall Phone
  • $169.95
Products: 112 of 15


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